An enraged man concealing a Glock .45 enters your facility to hunt down his ex A visitor loses consciousness during a meeting, and no one knows what to do as the critical first four minutes tick by The fire alarms go off, you think all of your people have evacuated, but you can’t account for […]
Emergency TRAINING: Your Legal Obligations
Way too many executives/administrators think that they’re NOT required by law to train all employees for emergencies in their workplace. WRONG! Every employer in America is required by law to train all employees without exception. Emergency Insight #1: You shall train annually, at hire, in a classroom using a “qualified” trainer. On-screen training is OK as […]
Emergency PLANNING: Your Legal Obligations
There are way too many executives/administrators who think that they’re NOT required by law to plan for emergencies in their workplace. WRONG! Every employer in America is required by law to have a plan without exception. Emergency Insight #1: This is not your father’s fire plan. Your plan has to be all hazards. Not just […]
September 11 and Training
My wife and I just visited the 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero. Emotionally poignant and beautifully done. This anniversary should remind us about training. On the morning of September 11, 2001, one company with 2,600+ people present in the South Tower lost just one life. While losing one life is a tragedy, given the mass […]
He Said “All-Hazards Emergency Training is Bull”
I recently presented the list of 50+ threats and emergencies for which workplaces shall plan and train to a new client. He said, “Are you kidding me? That’s over the top. You’re piling on stuff we just don’t need. This is bull$*%#!” Please, please, please don’t go down this path. Resist the siren song of denial. You don’t get […]